Major Landmarks , Wasl Gate
Insight Hub

Major Landmarks , Wasl Gate

Major Landmarks , Wasl Gate
Insight Hub

Major Landmarks , Wasl Gate

Major Landmarks , Wasl Gate
Insight Hub

Major Landmarks , Wasl Gate

Major Landmarks , Wasl Gate
Insight Hub

Major Landmarks , Wasl Gate

Major Landmarks , Wasl Gate
Insight Hub

Major Landmarks , Wasl Gate

Sep 27, 2024

South Garden

This is a map here for the major landmarks and happenings in the Wasl Gate community

The location of South Garden is marked here.

  • Prices of South Garden are at par (or lower) than other projects you’d find in Furjan, JVC or Arjan.

  • However, Wasl is a major Govt. developer, and Wasl Gate is a prime, limited location.

Commercial Components

One of the things we like best about the future of Wasl Gate is the commercial components - which will come in the form of Wasl developing the central park & private construction in the periphery.

Large Land Area

  • The large land area behind South Garden is dedicated to a large park with numerous facilities.

  • The payment-plan is also exceptionally easy to follow - with a 5% down-payment followed by 5% quarterly payments till handover. 40% is payable on completion.

  • Sales will start within a 10 day period (expected).

  • Please contact us for priority access - we were the largest selling agency in the last project to launch in Wasl Gate (Hillside, October 2023).

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